I don’t trust even the best of cell phone mics. So it’s important that my setup is flexible and can save as either mp3 (for direct upload of podcasts) or wav (to capture high-quality audio to be edited later). Even though high-quality mp3 works just fine for most interview scenarios, occasionally I am trying to capture material documentary-style. They are often recorded at low quality in a hyper-compressed format. Because of this, it drives me buggy hearing the quality of recording that comes out of most of the built-in voice recorder apps. Your Android device is basically a Linux computer under the surface.

A lot of opportunities get lost while setting up equipment. The interface needs to be simple enough to open the app and start recording right away. So when I sat down to research and test recording apps, I had some pretty intense criteria in mind. They should sound like you’re sitting down in the room and having a cup of tea with a guest, or on the street in the thick of the moment as things occur. I like the interviews for my shows to sound immersive and intimate. Here’s how to start a podcast on your phone. You don’t have to have lots of equipment, just ingenuity. How to Start a Podcast on Your Phone: Create Instant Content Anywhere